Online Training
How should research results be documented? What is the right way to cite? How does one handle image sources? Answers to questions about working correctly are provided in the eLearning course "Good Academic Practice During Doctoral Studies" in German and English.
This course has been originally developed by GRADE-Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers, Goethe University Frankfurt and adapted to the IAMO context. Five modules are available, containing comprehensive information, tests to check the knowledge gained as well as supplementary information materials.
Completing all modules takes about 60 minutes. You can interrupt the course at any time, recover your previous progress or repeat modules. At the end, you will have the possibility to receive a certificate.
Newly incoming researchers are asked to contact the Human Resources Department to obtain a license key.
Good Scientific Practice at IAMO
IAMO has committed itself to the “Leibniz Code for Good Research Practice” of the Leibniz Association and the Code "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" of the DFG in their respective current editions. The “Guideline for Safeguarding the Standards of Good Scientific Practice and for Dealing with Allegations of Scientific Misconduct at IAMO” lays down the institute-specific implementation. All employees of IAMO are obliged to comply with the three guidelines mentioned above. The guidelines are available here.