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Hier gibt es eine Übersicht ausgewählter wissenschaftlicher Konferenzen auf dem Gebiet der Agrar- und Ernährungsökonomie. Sie können jährlich, zweijährlich oder alle drei Jahre stattfinden.

26-29 August 2025

XVIII EAAE Congress 2025: Food System Transformation in Challenging Times

The  congress celebrating the Association’s 50th anniversary takes place in Bonn, Germany. Food system transformation is a complex, multi-faceted endeavour, which requires collaboration between the international community, governments, the private sector, civil society, and local communities to create lasting and impactful change. It has global, European, national, and local dimensions, requiring a change in regulatory and policy frameworks as well as shifts in the values and behaviours of individuals and communities. The call for submissions will be open for all forms of contributions until January 31, 2025. More info here.

8-11 July 2025

(ICABR): Circular Bioeconomy and Systems of Sustainability

Takes place in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The 29th ICABR Conference is seeking submissions in regard to the following themes: Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Technological Bioeconomy Innovations; Climate Adaptation Strategies and Crop Management; Policy and Economic Impacts. Abstract submission deadline: October 31, 2024.

8-9 May 2025

53th Annual conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Sociology (SGA): Goal Conflicts & Incentive Structures in Agricultural and Food Policies

European agricultural and food policy is currently the subject of political and social debate about its future development. Moreover, there are often trade-offs in the pursuit of certain objectives. The magnitude of these trade-offs is often unknown, uncertain and highly context-specific and strategies are needed to reduce trade-offs. In addition to the exchange between different actors from Switzerland, international networking is an important goal, and we therefore welcome participants from other countries. Deadline for abstracts: 01. November 2024. More details here.

10-14 February 2025

19th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) (191st EAAE Seminar): System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks

The food system’s dynamic interdependencies need a multidisciplinary view; research is required to cross the boundaries of traditional research lines. It is the objective of this Forum to provide an interdisciplinary and creative discussion environment that generates new ideas for innovative and multidisciplinary research. More info here.

13-14 November 2024

190th EAAE seminar: Financing sustainable and resilient transitions in agri & food systems

The seminar  is organized by Social Sciences Group Wageningen University & Research. It covers conceptual contributions and empirical studies on the potential and challenges for financing sustainable and resilient development of agri & food systems. The following provides a non-exhaustive list of topics that can be covered: Financial market instruments for sustainable development; ESG performance and risk assessments to inform finance and insurance decisions; Impact loans for agriculture; Alternative finance for sustainable and resilient transition of agriculture; Role of banks, equity investors and (re)insurers in sustainable & resilient development; Protecting biodiversity using financial instruments; Green and sustainability linked bonds; The role of ESG performance in financing agribusiness. 5 October 2024: Deadline submission of extended abstract. More info here.

16-20 October 2024

Hellenic Association on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food & Environment (HAICTA): ICT in Agriculture, Food & Environment
HAICTA 2024 aims to bring together professionals, experts and researchers working on Agriculture, Food and Environment, emphasizing on the applicability of ICT solutions and innovations to real industry cases addressing modern challenges. The HAICTA 2024 Doctoral Consortium provides doctoral students with an opportunity to have substantive interaction with other young and more experienced researchers regarding their proposed PhD research. More info here.

7-8 October 2024

German Association for East European Studies (DGO) & Freie Universität Berlin: Congress of Central and East European Studies (ceecon24)

ceecon provides the international research community with an important venue for exchanging and discussing the latest research findings on the region. The congress spotlights scholarly work on the Baltic States, Central and Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia. Academic exchange on topics relevant to all scholars in the field will take place in plenary sessions. Seven parallel sections will address research questions concerning a broad variety of topics and methodological approaches. A special session has been created for the presentation of research projects by junior scholars. Call-for-Papers as PDF-File.

25- 27 September 2024

64th GEWISOLA conference: Innovative concepts for a sustainable agricultural and food economy

The conference will take place at the Justus Liebig University (JLU) Giessen. Innovations play a major role on the path to more sustainable agri-food systems. To meet the challenges of environmental and resource protection as well as the preservation of biodiversity, viable concepts are needed that help to build a more resilient agri-food system in times of climate change and other man-made crises. These aspects shall be considered and discussed at the conference from a wide variety of perspectives. Submission of written contributions by Monday, 11th March 2024. More info here.

18-20 September 2024

189th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE): EU enlargement by (post-)war Ukraine: Implications for the Agri-Food Markets

Organized by Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, the Poznan University of Life Sciences, Kyiv School of Economics and the Thϋnen Institute, this seminar  intends to bring a broad range of research disciplines together to discuss the effects of the Russian war against Ukraine on the agricultural sector in Ukraine, the EU, and non-EU countries. Further, the seminar aims at discussing the results of the scenario analyses of the economic impact of a further integration of Ukraine into European agri-food markets. Interested persons are invited to submit an extended abstract of maximum 2 pages (about 500 words) in English by April 15, 2024 via conftool. For selected abstracts, it will also be possible to contribute a paper for the Special Issue in “Problems of Agricultural Economics”. The deadline for the final submission of accepted papers is September 1, 2024. More details here.

12-13 September 2024

188th EAAE Seminar: Reorienting Agri-food Chains to Hinder Climate Change and Food Security Treats

The seminar will be held in Chania, Crete (Greece). The EAAE seminar’s objectives are to bring together scholars and researchers in the field, as well as stakeholders from supply chains and businesses, that will exchange ideas, practices and research initiatives that cover most of the current food systems, biodiversity and agri-food chain developments for assisting policy-making decisions in agriculture and the agri-food industry. In particular, the Seminar aspires to create a forum for the promotion of food systems’ resilience through biodiverse supply chains in the global agri-food sector. Therefore, both empirical and methodological research papers are equally welcome. More info here.